About Us
Our Mission
To win souls & impact lives
Our Vision
To invite individuals, encourage generations, and empower communities through God’s love and grace
Our Morals
G - Generational
R - Resourceful
A - Authentic
C - Caring
E - Excellence
We Believe...
The Bible consists of the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments, is the inspired word of God, and is truthful in all that it affirms. It is the final authority for Christian faith and practice. (2 Timothy 3:15-17, 2 Peter 1:19-21)
There is one true God who eternally exists as three persons: The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. Distinct in a relationship, the three persons of the Trinity are fully God and are one in essence and purpose. God has revealed Himself to be the infinite personal Creator, who is sovereign over all things. (Genesis 1:26, Deuteronomy 6:4, Mark 1:9-11)
Jesus Christ is God's eternal Son. Being both fully God and fully man; He was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, died as an atoning sacrifice for the sins of all mankind, rose bodily from the dead, and ascended into heaven to prepare a place for believers and to intercede on their behalf. (Matthew 1:18-23, 1 Corinthians 15:1-8, Acts 1:9-11)
Mankind was originally created in God's image but being tempted by Satan, chose to sin and rebel against God. As a result of this fallen condition, God's image has been marred and all men and women are born separated from God and in need of salvation. Through personal repentance and faith in Jesus Christ's finished work on the cross, we are forgiven our sins, reborn by the Holy Spirit, and restored into fellowship with God. (Genesis 1:26, Genesis 3:9-13, Romans 5:8-12)
The Holy Spirit persuades us to repent of our sins and confess Jesus Christ as Lord. He lives in us, teaches us, equips us with spiritual gifts for effective ministry, and empowers us to live, grow, and serve in obedience to God. (John 16:8-10, Acts 1:8, 1 Corinthians 12:4-9)
The Church is the living Body of Christ on earth and is comprised of all true believers in Jesus Christ. He is the head and source of the Church's life, which exists to glorify God. The Church fulfills its mission by celebrating the glory and goodness of God, cultivating personal growth in Christ, caring about one another in biblical community, and communicating the gospel in word and action to the world. (Matthew 16:15-19, Ephesians 4:14-16, Acts 2:41-47)
Jesus Christ will physically return to earth to establish His eternal kingdom. He will judge the world, reward the saints and rule for all eternity. This is the blessed hope of the Church and its encouragement for perseverance in faith and ministry. Those who have been reborn in Christ will live with Him forever. (John 14:1-3, Matthew 24:29-31, Revelation 19:11-21)​​​​
Our Church History
Eyes have not seen; ears have not heard what it is that God will accomplish through an obedient servant, a willing congregation, and the indisputable power of the Holy Ghost in full operation within the hearts of this group of people!
Once upon a time, there was a Pastor by the name of Clinton D. McFarland. He was the Pastor of a highly successful ministry when he heard the voice of the Lord speak to him. The voice of the Lord told him on October 13, 2014, it’s time to leave this place, Mount Pleasant Baptist Church. My son, I am about to uproot you from this place and take you to a land that you know not of to start your own ministry.
November 12, 2014, being obedient and trusting the Lord, Pastor McFarland resigned from Mount Pleasant Baptist Church. His final sermon was preached on Sunday, November 23, 2014.
Although unsure of where this would lead him, Pastor McFarland started a new chapter in his life and taught his first Bible Study Class to his new members at Grace Baptist Church via the prayer call line. Wednesday, November 26, 2014 will go down in the church history as the first official Bible Study service for the newly formed, Grace Baptist Church.
With great excitement, our first worship service was held on Sunday, November 30, 2014 in the Porter Sanford Performing Arts Center in Decatur, Georgia. With 500 people in attendance, Grace Baptist Church was officially launched!
As we continued our quest to find a church home, services were moved to the Mountainside Seventh Day Adventist Church. Services were held at this location from December 8, 2014 until May 3, 2015.
Grace Baptist Church grew exponentially, and the search for a permanent home intensified. On Monday, December 8, 2014, a tour of our current location was given for the first time. Excited and pregnant with possibility, Pastor McFarland placed a bid on the property on December 15, 2014 and signed a lease agreement. Unfortunately, both were rejected.
Trailblazing forward, Pastor McFarland held Watch Night Service at Southwest Dekalb High School. It was a spirit-filled service that was filled to capacity.
Determined to find a permanent home for our Grace family, Pastor McFarland signed a purchase contract on the property at 2178 Highway 138 East, Stockbridge, Georgia. A meeting was held with the entire congregation on January 26, 2015 about the possibility of acquiring the property.
On March 4, 2015, another church had placed a bid on this property, and a 60-day grace period caused us to wait in limbo. The church was fasting and praying that the Lord would bless us with this place.
On Friday, March 20, 2015, Pastor McFarland received a phone call that the bank had denied us the loan. Although we were denied, we understood that God still has the final say.
On March 31, 2015, Pastor McFarland drove to the campus again and was pleasantly surprised to see Mr. Ron Harvey cutting the grass. Mr. Ron told him that he was cutting it by faith! Pastor McFarland’s faith was recharged and rejuvenated, causing him to return to the bank and met with Mr. Charlie Barneswell. After patiently waiting with no appointment Mr. Barnswell told Pastor McFarland that he needed to come up with $550,000.00 in 23 days.
Pastor McFarland meet with the members on April 6, 2015. The members trusted the man of God and loaned the church money from their life savings with no interest or return. They were able to raise $653,000.00 in 23 days and God continued to bless to ensure everyone was paid back.
On Friday, April 24, 2015, Pastor McFarland went to the bank with a total dollar amount of $1,100.000.00. He put down a total of $950,000.00 and signed the loan for our current location, Grace Baptist Church, 2178 Highway 138 East, Stockbridge, Georgia.
Our first service at the Place of Grace was held on Sunday, May 3, 2015. Grace Baptist Church continues to be a beacon of light in Stockbridge, Georgia. The Family Life Center was renovated and hosts our youth services. We also expanded and added a Resource Center that has fed thousands of people.
This is a testimony of our faith and what God can and will do! God still works miracles because we are a miracle church. As our Pastor asks his question…..”Won’t He Do It” the answer is Yes He will!